when i am executing the workflow to add the dns A record it is getting failed with this message:-
-06 11:08:13.175] [E] Error in (Workflow:Add DNS-Host / Build Command (item1)#0) ReferenceError: "ipAddress" is not defined.
[2016-05-06 11:08:13.196] [E] Workfow execution stack:
item: 'Add DNS-Host/item1', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'ReferenceError: "ipAddress" is not defined.'
workflow: 'Add DNS-Host' (c1b125dc-dc59-40fd-841b-52af18ad428d)
| 'attribute': name=cmdletName type=string value=Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA
| 'attribute': name=pshellCommand type=string value=
| 'attribute': name=host type=PowerShell:PowerShellHost value=dunes://service.dunes.ch/CustomSDKObject?id='cfae0f4b-ac0b-4b16-92c1-ea42a2bfc8d7'&dunesName='PowerShell:PowerShellHost'
| 'input': name=hostName type=string value=QALin777
| 'input': name=ipAddess type=string value=
| 'input': name=zoneName type=string value=vclass.local
| 'output': name=output type=PowerShell:PowerShellRemotePSObject value=null
*** End of execution stack.
Any help on the same would be appreciated