We have some users with more than one Business group. I Want them to choose the Business Group and request machine.
I'm trying to run a new request and add The provisioning group property to the blueprint.
When I'm running the WorkFlow, The blueprint running with other provisioning Group.
Is anyone know what can be the problem?
//Put the BGID and The Vlan on properties
var propCatItem = new Properties();
var arrKeys = propCatItem.keys;
for each (var strKey in arrKeys){
System.log(strKey + " : " + propCatItem.get(strKey));
//Set the form, request blueprint
System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.util").validateObject(objCatItem, "Catalog Item");
var objCatForm = vCACCAFERequestsHelper.getRequestFormForCatalogItem(objCatItem);
objCatForm = vCACCAFERequestsHelper.setFormValues(objCatForm, propCatItem);
var objCatRequest = vCACCAFERequestsHelper.requestCatalogItemOnBehalfOf(objCatItem, objCatForm, struser);
System.log("INFO - Catalog Item Request sent");
System.log("INFO - Catalog Item Request sent");