Is there something missing from the API explorer for com_vmware_cis_tagging_tag ? It looks to be the scriptable object you use for the tag manager but I don't see any documentation. I see from the code snippet below (from the sample workflow for listing the tags) it has a .list() method but I don't know what other properties or methods might be available.
if (endpoint == null) {
throw "'endpoint' parameter should not be null";
var client = endpoint.client();
var tagging = new com_vmware_cis_tagging_tag(client);
var result = tagging.list();
Attached is a screenshot of what is in the api explorer related to tagging.
Actually I guess I should add that there doesn't really seem to be any documentation on the vAPI plugin in the api explorer or in the vRO documentation. The only docs are very light on configuring the plugin and although they list all of the object types there is no documentation for any of the scriptable objects that I can see. I'll have to go back to the rest api and browse and see if I can make some sense of it. These are the only scriptable objects that have any info
Message was edited by: Paul