Has anyone seen these type of update errors (attaching stacktrace). I am getting this on one of our systems (v5.5.3) with MSSQL database:
2016-03-03 11:54:25.260-0500 [8a81abd7533d613901533d66b02f009e] WARN {USERID:WORKFLOWNAME:7da698be-aea1-4f6d-8793-02e88559c135:8a81abd7533d613901533d66a4f7006e} [WorkflowItemSubElementsRunner$SubWorkflowHandlerImpl] Unable to update a sub workflow token / content
ch.dunes.util.DunesServerException: org.springframework.dao.CannotAcquireLockException: could not execute batch; SQL [update vmo_subworkflowtoken set globalstate=?, itemname=?, parentwftokenid=?, runningpassword=?, runningusername=?, serveruri=?, workflowid=?, workflowtokenid=? where id=?]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException: could not execute batch
It seems to be intermittent on a couple of workflows that use locking mechanism and nested type of sub workflow calls.It results in outer workflow hanging indefinitely. ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION and READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT are set on the database.
I have a support case opened but I hope someone ran into this type error and can point in the right direction while I am waiting for support to complete their investigation.