Since migrating (fresh installs) to vCenter 6 and vRO appliance 6.0.3, I seem to be getting more and more random failures in elements that have never failed before. I've posted previously about random failures in accessing the host property of a datastore (still happening) and now, two days in a row, I get the strange error below.
The first time this happened I was using Orchestrator Java client while working on a new workflow. I ran my workflow and while trying to set the inputs, I clicked on the box to select a VC:VirtualMachine and on the right side of the dialog where you select a VM, I was getting text that was flashing with an error that looks similar to the error below.
The next day an overnight workflow was running. The error happened while running a config spec workflow (the same configspec section from the clone/sysprep windows workflow).
The error I got was:
Attribute xsi:nil not allowed on element spec, which is not nillable.
while parsing call information for method ReconfigVM_Task
at line 3, column 2
while parsing SOAP body
at line 2, column 1
while parsing SOAP envelope
at line 1, column 38
while parsing HTTP request for method reconfigure
on object of type vim.VirtualMachine
at line 1, column 0
Is there any logs I can check on the vCenter side to see what might be causing these random failures? Most of he time, waiting a few seconds (at worst a minute) and trying again seems to work. The only problem is all the automation grinds to a halt when this happens so I'm finding myself putting in more and more checks and loops to make things work properly for items that never used to fail.