Noon everyone,
I´m currently working on a specific workflow that:
1 - clones a Microsoft VM;
2 - customizes it (sysprep and modify hardware);
3 - mounts a specific datastore ISO file;
4 - installs a specific software using a configuration file (software within item 3 ISO, config file from a network share).
From the 4 steps I managed about 3.5.
1 - The machine clones successfully;
2 - The customization works successfully;
3 - The ISO is mounted successfully;
4 - And here´s the pain. The first time, the software did not install successfully. I logged into the new virtual machine and started the installation manually, using the config file. And then it goes successfully.
So, about item 4: I did all sorts of testing and managed to discover that, for the software to install successfully, I need an open user session (user logged on with Desktop loaded with all icons and so forth), regardless if through VM Console or through RDP.
Is there anything within the Orchestrator API that manages something like that: Actually logging a user into the guest? I tried the "run program in guest" workflow with the "Interactive Session" set to True, but discovered that it only works if there´s a session already opened.
Thank you very much for your time.