Has anyone used the UCS plugin (new version 1.0.1 or 1.0.2) to power on a blade? I'm not able to figure it out or use the most obvious workflow to do it.
I have no issue using the Get UCS Service Profile from ESXi Host workflow to get the service profile object. And I can get the LsPower object using the getServerPower action, however using the setServerPower action just results in an error (these two actions are in "Set Service Profile Power State", which throws the same error on the setServerPower object):
[2016-01-19 14:37:25.704] [I] Found Service Profile org-root/ls-ucs-hb2-0034 on UCS ucs-hfi-001 [2016-01-19 14:37:34.251] [I] ************************ Found 1 UcsmLsPower objects ************************ [2016-01-19 14:37:34.252] [I] LsPower:- Dn : org-root/ls-ucs-hb2-0034/power Rn : power State : up Status : null [2016-01-19 14:37:34.303] [I] TypeError: Cannot call method "getUcs" of null (Dynamic Script Module name : setServerPower#31)