I'd like to be able to bind more than 1 customized vCO worklflow to the ExternalWFStubs.BuildingMachine State Change but vCAC won't allow me to do this (Indicates the State Change Workflow Name is already in use which therefore prevents me from adding another Value to this Custom Property at the Blueprint Level).
Is this possible? I have 2 separate custom workflows that perform different actions required to be executed during the building state change; 1 creates a new DNS entry while the other creates a new Computer Object in AD. For the record, I also have another vCO customized workflow that is executed during the ExternalWFStubs.MachineProvisioned State Change, so this is not an option either.
Do I need to combine all the Actions in one customized vCO workflow and then associate this workflow with the Machine Building State Change (Stub)WF...???
Thanks. Ron
I answered part of my own question. Combining all the workflows into 1 customized vCO will do the trick. I would still like to know however if there is an easier way to achieve this by (perhaps) associating multiple vCO Workflows to the same ExternalWF Stub..??
Thanks. Ron