I have configured the vRealize Orchestrator appliance and added the vCenter Server to the Orchestrator server through the vRO client -> Library, and can successfully run workflows against objects in vCenter. So vRO is working.
The problem I'm having is that I can't seem to add the vRO server to the vSphere Web Client. I do see the plugin though, and when I go to the Orchestrator plugin I see the vCenter Server in the "vCO Home' tab but "N/A" under "Managed by vCenter Orchestrator Server". Also under "Inventory Lists" it says "vCO Servers: 0". What am I missing?
I have tried adding the new vRO server (appliance) by editing the vCenter object and input the new vRO server IP. But "Test Connection" fails every time.
Also, vCO was installed together with vCenter initially but never used, and still not used. But I don't think that would make any difference.
I also don't see the vCenter plugin tab in the left menu when connecting to vRO with the client and com.vmware.vco isn't showing in /mob
vCenter: 5.5u2
vRO: build 3000579