Hi all.
When I call orchestrator web service I need to sent WorkflowTokenAttribute that is type "any". One of return values that I get with getWorkflowTokenResult is type "any" also.
In the end I am manualy creating value from my json object and I and up with this. That works well but it is inpractical.
attr.name = "tvojObj";
attr.type = "Any";
attr.value = "Array##{#Properties##[#attr2#=#string#drugi#+#attr1#=#string#prvi#+#arrAttr1#=#Array##{#Properties##[#drugi#=#string#1-2#+#treci#=#string#1-3#+#prvi#=#string#1-1#]##;#Properties##[#drugi#=#string#2-2#+#treci#=#string#2-3#+#prvi#=#string#2-1#]##}##]##}#";
Is there some serializer JSON object to type any
"url": "http://example.com/",
"id": 26,
"ip": "someIP",
"port": "Some port"
Array##{#Properties##[#url#=#string#http://example.com/#+#id#=#noumber#26#+#ipList#=#Array##{#Properties##[#ip#=#string#someIP#+#port#=#string#Some port#]##}##]##}#