I have a workflow that is asking the user for Host system and then passing the host to provide a list of datastore for that host. When I run this in Orchestrator it works as expected it provides a pull down of just the datastores from the host chosen by the user. When it is run in vcenter it provides the navigation tree for choosing the datastore. Not sure why it does this when run from vcenter.
The parameter request is the following:
predefined list of parameters GetAction("com.vmware.library.vc.host","getAllHostSystems").call()
This get stored in a variable Host
The datastore request is then the following:
predefined list of parameters GetAction("com.vmware.andrew","getDatastoreForHost_AC").call( #Host )
Again this works as expected in orchestrator but when the workflow is executed from vcenter it does not work. Any help would be appreciated?