I found myself in need of getting the serial number of a virtual machine and did not want to have to get inside the VM to get it so I have a little script that gets me this information from the vm object that I wanted to share in case this can help anyone else out. in the script serial_number is the output and vm is the VC:VirtualMachine object
var serial_number = "VMware-"
var biosID = (vm.config.uuid.split('-').join(""))
var str = biosID
a = [];
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i += 2) {
a.push(str.substr(i, 2));
if (str.length = 30) { str += "-" } else { str += " " }
//System.log(a); // prints the array
//System.log(a.join(" ")); // turn the array into a string of hex values
//System.log(parseInt(a[1], 16)); // parse a particular hex number to a decimal value
var uid = (a.join(" "));
var trim = uid.split("-").join("")
serial_number += trim