Hello all,
Hope you can give me some input here.
I have migration project coming up and created a workflow to storage vmotion a VM onto a Transport Datastore. Then this workflow ends with scheduling another workflow to a user defined time (service window). The 1st workflow need to parse the vm (vc:virtualmachine) attribute and carry it over to the 2nd workflow, which then will run automated on the schedule time.
I cannot figure out how to parse these attributes on the 2nd workflow. I have created this "Schedule Task" script based on a script found on this blog Create vCO/vRO scheduled workflow automatically | Chris Berry Blog
var workflowToLaunch = Server.getWorkflowWithId("b1ef0b7b-8ec6-4214-aa2d-df96b3202763");
if (workflowToLaunch == null) {
throw "Workflow not found";
var workflowParameters = new Properties();
workflowParameters.put("VM", vm);
var scheduledTask = workflowToLaunch.schedule(workflowParameters,workflowScheduleDate);
When I run this workflow, it run successfully, taking the VM and put it in the properties array. When I output the system.log entries you see - it all looks good.
The 2nd workflow is scheduled and will run on the time defined. However - it throws these errors:
[2015-07-15 11:47:11.073] [I] null
[2015-07-15 11:47:11.073] [I] TypeError: Cannot read property "VM" from null (Workflow:Test - Shutdown VM / Scriptable task (item2)#1)
In the 2nd script I have the following scriptable task with this code:
vm = workflowParameters.VM
After this a Shutdown VM workflow, that needs to VM as input.
I have used alot of system.logging for debugging.
One thing to notice. In the 1st workflow I use the variable "workflowParameters", which currently is not defined as an Out-parameter or Out-attribute. If I do define it as an out-parameter or attribute with type Array/Properties and run the workflow againit will throw the following error?
[2015-07-15 11:50:51.116] [I] Workflow:Test - start workflow / Scriptable task (item2) : ch.dunes.model.type.ConvertorException: Not an Array
Anyone can help me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance