Hi All,
I am trying to expose few java objects in VCO Standalone installation.
I am following the required file structre for the dar file:- lib, resources, VSO-INF and webapps.
the required jar files are placed in lib:- model jar(java objects that needs to be exposed), and core (implemented IPluginAdaptor and IPluginFactory) jar. I don't need any configuration for now, so no war file is required.
When I install the dar file in VCO confguration, and restart vco server (I have also restarted configuration server as well), then I don't see any exposed objects in VCO client API search.
I am not getting why this is happening. Could anyone assist me if I am missing anything?
The vso.xml file is in the following format:-
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<module build-number="1" display-name="Test System" name="TEST" version="0.1">
Cisco UCS Manager Plug-in.
<finder-datasource adaptor-class="com.test.TestAdapter" name="test-datasource"/>
<finder datasource="test-datasource" script-object="TopObject" type="TopSystem" java-class="com.test.TopObject>
<relation name="aObjects" type="aObject"/>
<relation name="bObjects" type="bObject"/>
<relation-link name="aObjects"/>
<relation-link name="bObjects"/>
<property bean-property="prop1" display-name="Prop1" name="prop1"/>
<property bean-property="prop2" display-name="Prop2" name="prop2"/>
<property bean-property="prop3" display-name="Prop3" name="prop3"/>
<finder datasource="test-datasource" type="aObject">
<relation name="abc" type="ABC"/>
<relation name="def" type="DEF"/>
<relation name="ghi" type="GHI"/>
<relation-link name="abc"/>
<relation-link name="def"/>
<relation-link name="ghi"/>
<finder datasource="test-datasource" type="bObject">
<relation name="mno" type="MNO"/>
<relation name="pqr" type="PQR"/>
<relation name="stu" type="STU"/>
<relation-link name="mno"/>
<relation-link name="pqr"/>
<relation-link name="stu"/>
<object java-class="com.test.TopObject" script-name="TopObject">
<description>this is top object</description>
.......All other objects listed in relations of finders.....
Best Regards,
Sumit Tyagi.