Doing some testing with vCO 6.0.2 appliance before my cutover from 5.5.1 (windows) and I discovered a problem with the run program in guest workflow which I think is related to the version of VMware tools.
When the vmware tools on a VM are from 5.5, I can run the Run Program in Guest workflow with a username like .\mylocaluser. If the tools that come with vmware 6 are installed, it fails with: A specified parameter was not correct
When I remove the .\ and just use mylocaluser, it works.
It's been a long time but I think I had to use .\ because some versions of windows weren't recognizing mylocaluser as local account when the VM was on the domain.
Anyone else have this problem? Do I need to open a bug for ESXi?
Edit: Looks like the domain and/or machine name has to match the machine on which the process is being run, eg. I can use mydomain\myuser and machinename\mylocaluser successfully but .\localuser or localhost\localuser always seems to fail.