I'm trying to get a list of VMDKs on a datastore along with their associated file sizes so I can attach them to a VM in a workflow. I slightly modified the getAllVmdkFile action to return a Properties hash with filename = size. However the size in the VcFileInfo object is null. How do I get the size of a VMDK given the filename or how do I make it so that the VcFileInfo object has the size property populated?
meh = new Properties(); var fileQuery = new Array(new VcVmDiskFileQuery()); var querySpec = new VcHostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec(); querySpec.query = fileQuery; System.log("searching: " + u_datastore.name); var task = u_datastore.browser.searchDatastoreSubFolders_Task("[" + u_datastore.name + "]", querySpec); var searchResults = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.basic").vim3WaitTaskEnd(task,false,5); for (var i in searchResults) { for (var j in searchResults[i].file) { System.log("found " + searchResults[i].folderPath + searchResults[i].file[j].path); System.log("size: " + searchResults[i].file[j].fileSize); // meh.put(searchResults[i].folderPath + searchResults[i].file[j].path, searchResults[i].file[j].fileSize); meh.put(searchResults[i].folderPath + searchResults[i].file[j].path, 0); } }