Using the vCAC plugin with version vCAC Infrastructure Administration
Take a scenario where you have retrieved an array of vCAC:Entity objects and wish to remove all of them, for instance vRA Blueprints or Build Profiles. If you embed the 'Delete a vCAC model entity' workflow in a Foreach element and set the Array(s) to be traversed to be the array of vCAC:Entity objects, then the first element in the array will be successfully removed, but the workflow will then blow up with an error similar to the following:
ch.dunes.model.type.ConvertorException: Cannot convert to object , reason : Unable to perform operation 'find('Entity', '%28guid%27aa22fdbd-5700-4fa4-b38a-0db19fca1dc8%27%29%40f8447cca-1d2b-4bd2-bf0e-ca3deb7a2d8b%40ManagementModelEntities.svc%40GlobalProfiles')' on plugin 'vCAC' : com.vmware.o11n.plugin.dynamicops.ServiceException: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><m:error xmlns:m=""><m:code /><m:message xml:lang="en-US">Resource not found for the segment 'GlobalProfiles'.</m:message></m:error>
Debugging the workflow shows the array of vCAC:Entity objects at that point to be empty, prior to that point it contained a number of elements.
Possibly suspecting a fault in my approach, I tried out creating my own Foreach loop, instead of using the builtin Foreach element, by creating a counter and decreasing it by one each time an element from the array of vCAC:Entity objects is deleted. The same thing happens though, the first vCAC:Entity object is deleted, but the second one fails with the same error. Debugging the workflow shows again the array of vCAC:Entity objects at that point to be empty, prior to that point it contained a number of elements.
My current workaround is to retrieve one vCAC:Entity at a time to pass into 'Delete a vCAC model entity', which is successful, but obviously not good for performance.
Anyone else seen this or have an idea what could be the issue?