Hello everybody,
I tried to create a workflow to clone a VM on a storage DRS cluster.
As CloneVM is not possible anymore on Storage DRS, I use the recommendDatastores function.
It almost works, as the machine is deployed, the network card is moved to the right vlan, and the hostname is changed. But there is no IP configuration, the ethX card of th machine has no IP address, and the dns search (/etc/resolv.conf file) is not updated. IT seems to me that the "cusotmization" part is not taken into account.
The source is a template Linux RHEL6 machine, with only one network card.
Does anyone managed to do such a thing ?
The workflow is in attachment, and the "main" part of the script is here :
var managedObject = templateVM.sdkConnection.storageResourceManager;
// we prepare the specs
var storageSpec = new VcStoragePlacementSpec;
storageSpec.cloneName = vmname;
storageSpec.folder = destFolder;
storageSpec.resourcePool = destResourcePool;
storageSpec.type = 'clone';
storageSpec.vm = templateVM;
// sub specs => podSelectionSpec
var varPodSelectionSpec = new VcStorageDrsPodSelectionSpec;
varPodSelectionSpec.storagePod = storage;
storageSpec.podSelectionSpec = varPodSelectionSpec;
// sub specs => cloneSpec
var varCloneSpec = new VcVirtualMachineCloneSpec;
varCloneSpec.powerOn = true;
varCloneSpec.template = false;
// sub specs => cloneSpec => config
var varConfig = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec;
varConfig.memoryMB = memMB;
varConfig.name = vmname;
varConfig.numCPUs = cpuInt;
var varChangeDevice = new VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpec;
varChangeDevice.device = virtualEthernetCard;
varChangeDevice.operation = VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit;
varConfig.deviceChange = [varChangeDevice];
varCloneSpec.config = varConfig;
// END sub specs => cloneSpec => config
// sub specs => cloneSpec => custo
var varCusto = new VcCustomizationSpec;
// sub specs => cloneSpec => custo => GlobalIpSettings
var varGlobalIpSettings = new VcCustomizationGlobalIPSettings;
varGlobalIpSettings.dnsServerList = varDnsServerList;
varGlobalIpSettings.dnsSuffixList = domainListe;
varCusto.globalIPSettings = varGlobalIpSettings;
// END sub specs => cloneSpec => custo => GlobalIpSettings
varCusto.identity = varIdentity;
var tempAdapter = new Array();
tempAdapter[0] = varAdapterMapping;
varCusto.nicSettingMap = tempAdapter;
varCloneSpec.customization = varCusto;
// AND sub specs => cloneSpec => custo
// sub specs => cloneSpec => location
var varVcVirtualMachineRelocateSpec = new VcVirtualMachineRelocateSpec;
varVcVirtualMachineRelocateSpec.pool = destResourcePool;
varCloneSpec.location = varVcVirtualMachineRelocateSpec;
// END sub specs => cloneSpec => location
storageSpec.cloneSpec = varCloneSpec;
// END sub specs => cloneSpec
//we get the recommandation
var placementResult = new VcStoragePlacementResult;
placementResult = managedObject.recommendDatastores(storageSpec);
var myKey = new Array();
myKey[0] = placementResult.recommendations[0].key
myVcTask = managedObject.applyStorageDrsRecommendation_Task(myKey);