Hi guys,
I currently have a workflow that adds a new vdisk to an existing virtual machine. This is presented via vRA ASD forms, however we currently have to enter the next sequential disk index in order for the workflow to execute. I would like this to be filled in automatically. Is there an easy way to do this?
current code is the out the box
var configSpec = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec();
var deviceConfigSpecs = new Array();
var deviceConfigSpec;
// Add/Create the disk
deviceConfigSpec = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.vm.spec.config.device").createVirtualDiskFlatVer2ConfigSpec(
diskSize, datastore, scsiControllerKey, diskIndex, VcVirtualDiskMode.fromString(diskMode.name), thinProvisioned );
deviceConfigSpecs[0] = deviceConfigSpec;
// List of devices
configSpec.deviceChange = deviceConfigSpecs;
// Launch the reconfigVM task
task = vm.reconfigVM_Task( configSpec );