Hello all:
I am new to vRO and am stuck trying to connect from the Orchestrator client to my Orchestrator service. Here are the steps I have done to setup my home lab.
vCenter Server Virtual Appliance
1. Deployed vCenter Server Virtual Appliance
2. Connect to [vcsa-server]:5480
3. Accepted license agreement and ran through configuration wizard
Everything seems to be fine except when I try https://vcsa-server:9443 I get page not found, but I thought that should take me to the vSphere Web Client
vCenter Orchestrator
1. Deployed vCenter Orchestrator ova using VMware WorkStation
2. Imported SSL certs and setup SSO connection to vCenter server
vCenter Orchestrator Client
1. Launch the client and the login popups up
I put in the IP and vcoadmin/vcoadmin
It returns with Node is not ACTIVE
I guessing the problem is somewhere in the authentication checker, but not sure what that means