I am trying to feed a workflow vApp input from vCloud Director, then iterate through VMs in my input vApp to update their guest customization settings. From what I have come across on this forum, it should be fairly simple but some reason I am having trouble when loop passes through first VM and attempts to customize next VM.
Here is what I have in the failed action:
var guestCustomizationSection = vm.getGuestCustomizationSection()
guestCustomizationSection.enabled = true;
guestCustomizationSection.adminPasswordAuto = true;
guestCustomizationSection.adminPasswordEnabled = true;
System.log("Started Guest Customization for " + vm.name);
return vm.updateSection(guestCustomizationSection);
And the error is The entity [network name redacted] is busy completing an operation.; majorErrorCode=400; minorErrorCode=BUSY_ENTITY; vendorSpecificErrorCode=null; (Dynamic Script Module name : updateGuestsCustomization#6).
Any clue as to why this is happening? My expectation is that Wait for a Task should be taking care of previous VM task completion, but I feel like that's not entirely true.