Trying to get our vCAC host to recognize/import dynamic type object/classes and create custom resources. Calling action 'createCustomResourceFromInventoryType'. The inventory of dynamic types available isn't returned. As a test, from vCO using the api search; I can see the DynamicTypes under the namespace created for them. They obviously exist in the vco inventory under dynamic types. Test code below:
host type = vCACCAFE:VCACHost
var inventoryTypes = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.asd.customresources").getAvailableInventoryTypes(host);
for each (var inventoryType in inventoryTypes)
if(inventoryType.getName().indexOf('Cas') != -1)
Basically just getting undefined returned. It doesn't seem like a vCO problem. It seems like vCAC just can't recognize dynamic types.
Have had trouble with vCAC and DT vCO plugins in the past and have attempted several permutations of plugin removal/reinstall, (KB2003386) including dar file &, package removal server and configurator restart and then reload. Using these versions:
vCAC Infra