I'm not having much luck finding a way to determine the list of users in the "Fabric Administrators" shown in VRA (VCAC) using a script in VCO. Does anyone have any insight on how I can go about getting the array of users?
I've been able to do it with business groups:
var groups = vCACCAFEEntitiesFinder.getBusinessGroups(vCACHost);
for (i in groups) {
System.debug("groups[" + i + "]=" + groups[i]);
var admins = groups[i].administrators;
So I'm looking for something similar but related to EnterpriseAdminGroups, which does not have the "administrators" property.
So far I only have this code, which isn't getting me the administrators:
var entities = vCACEntityManager.readModelEntitiesByCustomFilter(vCACHost.id, "ManagementModelEntities.svc", "EnterpriseAdminGroups", null, null);
System.log("Enterprise Admin Groups found: "+entities.length);
var prop = new Properties();
for each (var entity in entities) {
System.debug("\n\nentity: " + entity);