I have toyed with the idea of getting into orchestrator for the past few years to help streamline our workflow processes but never seem to find good resources or training. I'm at a point where I have documented my environment and procedures for my team but they still can't seem to follow that documentation and something needs to change. I want to start creating custom workflows for various tasks (builds, clone, snapshots, disk re-sizing, etc) and have them accessible via the web console and get my guys out of the virtual center console all together. I have come across some blogs with some good information but most of it seems very dated and doesn't always port over to the latest version very easily. I also can't seem to find any good training as most training wants to push you towards vCAC to get any orchestration knowledge. This is such a powerful tool and for some reason vmware doesn't seem to promote it. So that leads to the title of this thread. Where did you guys start out when you picked up vCO? I look forward to the comments. Thanks guys.