I'm very new to vco so please excuse my ignorance...
We are using the AWS plugin and I am able to call out and retrieve the info I am looking for but now dont know how to get teh exact value and set it to OUT...
//Get the AmazonEC2 client
var ec2client = client.getAmazonEC2Client();
System.log("Instance Name: " + instance_name);
//Need to specify some filters
var setResourceType = new EC2Filter();
setResourceType.setValues( [ 'instance' ]);
System.log("setResourceType: " + setResourceType);
var setTagName = new EC2Filter();
setTagName.setValues( [ 'Name' ]);
System.log("setTagName: " + setTagName);
var setTagValue = new EC2Filter();
setTagValue.setValues( [ instance_name ]);
System.log("setTagValue: " + setTagValue);
//Done specifying filters
//Tying the filters to the request
var describeTagRequest = new EC2DescribeTagsRequest();
describeTagRequest.withFilters([setResourceType, setTagName, setTagValue]);
System.log("describeTagRequest: " + describeTagRequest);
var tagDescriptions = new Array();
var tagDescription = new EC2TagDescription();
//Making the call
var response = ec2client.describeTags(describeTagRequest);
instanceID = response.withTags(tagDescriptions);
I get the following returned from the instanceID
(From the vco log output)
2015-02-11 16:14:27.442] [I] Item: DynamicWrapper (Instance) : [EC2TagDescription]-[class com.vmware.o11n.plugin.aws.ec2.model.TagDescription] -- VALUE : {}
[2015-02-11 16:14:28.208] [I] DynamicWrapper (Instance) : [EC2DescribeTagsResult]-[class com.vmware.o11n.plugin.aws.ec2.model.DescribeTagsResult] -- VALUE : {Tags: [{ResourceId: i-010e9aaa,ResourceType: instance,Key: Name,Value: TESTSERVR1}, {}],}
I am trying to get the ResourceId (i-010e9aaa) from that object.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.