I am having a problem automating vcenter snapshot cleanup using a vco scheduled workflow. My environment consists of vCAC--> vCO --> HPOO --> vCenter and back up the chain to vCAC. I'm having trouble using the "Remove Old Snapshots" workflow in vCO passing back a vcac system property to update an existing machines snapshots in vcac. The only thing that vCO has as outputs for this workflow are vCenter system properties which causes my users to still see existing machine snapshots in vcac even after they have been deleted.
A consultant who assisted in setting up the environment said the following when asked about converting a vco output vcenter variable into a vcac output variable.
"you have to use the api to find the value you want and may have to do a couple of conversions to get there like you might vet .hostname and then have to query vcenter to get the value you need...."
Does anyone know how to accomplish this or another way to accomplish automated snapshot cleanup? I have flexibility in how to execute this as long as their is transparency back to vcac to update machine snapshots that have been removed.