I'm trying to create some decom automation workflows leveraging the Microsoft/AD plugin (version 1.0.5) on my vCO 5.5.2 box. I'm running into a weird error and I'm hoping someone can help.
Right now, I'm only trying to leverage the ActiveDirectory.searchExactmatch() function to return an AD:ComputerAD object. The script is as follows:
var computers = ActiveDirectory.searchExactmatch("ComputerAD", Name, 1); if (computers != null){ var actionResult = computers[0]; }
My workflow takes as input Name of type string, ActiveDirectory of type AD:ActiveDirectory, and has an attribute actionResult of type AD:ComputerAD. I'm constantly getting this error - TypeError: Cannot find function searchExactmatch in object notfound. (Workflow:quick / Scriptable task (item1)#54823)- seemingly indicating that the AD:ActiveDirectory object is not found.
Maybe there's a permissions thing to this, but I have run the workflow as a domain admin and I still get that error. When I run the workflow, I am able to successfully browse my AD resource:
Any ideas?