I registered a new service in my vcloud api. When i request a get on this service url, it send an amqp message to my exchange.
I created a policy on my vCO that check messages and triggered a worflow.
My workflow excecute an action, and then i want to reply back to my vcd, but i can't figure out how.
Here is the scripting of my Scriptable Task in my workflow who is in charge to send a reply :
Headers and properties are sent by my policy
var rep = new AMQPMessage();
rep.bodyAsText = "My reply";
System.log(rexchange + rkey + rep);
One of the problem is that when i consult log, i can see all the message, with headers and properties, but when i receive amqp message on amqp queue, there are no headers and no properties...
Is someone know how to send an amqp message with custom headers and properties ?