New to vCO and still learning!!!
Using the Infoblox Plugin and after creating a record and getting the assigned IP back, I need to obtain more information, like router, DNS1, DNS2, etc... I am using the getNetwork action from the plugin which returns:
DynamicWrapper (Instance) : [IpamNetwork]-[class com.infoblox.ipam.model.objects.IpamNetwork] -- VALUE : IpamNetwork [ipAddress=, cidr=24, networkView=default, comment=Network Lab [TestT], extensibleAttributes=[IpamExtensibleAttribute [name=City, type=STRING, value=Emerald], IpamExtensibleAttribute [name=SiteCode, type=STRING, value=02PB]], dhcpOptions=IpamDhcpOptions [routers=null, domainNameServers=[,],, domainSearch=null, netbiosNameServers=null]]
How do I parse out routers, domainNameServers IPs, and domainName?