The following code is blowing up for me since upgrading to 5.5.2 . It seems like setting a variable or iterating through the values from workflow.getInputParameters().keys is not working. Create a scriptable task with this code and see if it blows up in your face. It does in my environment and is crippling us. May have to roll back to a previous version. If someone else can verify this I'd appreciate it. Also attaching a workflow. I have two passes through since it seemed to work once through a couple of times but always failed on the second iteration. I think if I completely bounce the vCO server (not just the service) it will actually set the variable once but after that it will always blow up on me. Run the workflow a couple of times in a row.
System.log("workflow.getInputParameters() first run: " + workflow.getInputParameters());
System.log("workflow.getInputParameters().keys first run: " + workflow.getInputParameters().keys);
for (var i in workflow.getInputParameters().keys) {
var curKey = keys[i];
//print out properties in format key :::: value
var curValue = workflow.getInputParameters().get(curKey)
System.debug(curKey + " :::: " + curValue );
System.log("workflow.getInputParameters() second run: " + workflow.getInputParameters());
System.log("workflow.getInputParameters().keys second run: " + workflow.getInputParameters().keys);
for (var i in workflow.getInputParameters().keys) {
var curKey = keys[i];
//print out properties in format key :::: value
var curValue = workflow.getInputParameters().get(curKey)
System.debug(curKey + " :::: " + curValue );