Hi All - I recently upgraded to vRealize Automation 6.2 and am working with vRealize Orchestrator to create workflows. I've created HTTP-REST workflows to request/release an IP address from our IPAM system (VitalQIP) and it seems to be failing with the following description/exception:
Connection pool shutdown (Workflow:Request-IP-from-QIP / Scripting (item3)#14)
Looking in the Schema>Scripting line #14 is in red below:
//prepare request
//Do not edit
var inParamtersValues = [subnet, hostname, ddns, mac, type, w2kdom, comment];
var request = restOperation.createRequest(inParamtersValues, null);
//set the request content type
request.contentType = "";
System.log("Request: " + request);
System.log("Request URL: " + request.fullUrl);
//Customize the request here
//request.setHeader("headerName", "headerValue");
//execute request
//Do not edit
var response = request.execute();
//prepare output parameters
System.log("Response: " + response);
statusCode = response.statusCode;
statusCodeAttribute = statusCode;
System.log("Status code: " + statusCode);
contentLength = response.contentLength;
headers = response.getAllHeaders();
contentAsString = response.contentAsString;
System.log("Content as string: " + contentAsString);
// Grep for IPaddress
var patt = ("IP Address.*");
var ipaddress = contentAsString.match(patt).toString();
ipaddress = ipaddress.split(/[\s,]+/);
ipaddress = ipaddress[2];
System.log ("IP Address := " +ipaddress);
I am unsure of how to get around this issue and am looking for some assistance as I am fairly new to vRO. Thanks much!