Hi there,
I'm having problems creating a vapp that contains non-ascii characters in it's name (e.g. umlauts like "üäö"), here's a workflow that I use to compose an empty vApp:
var composeVAppParams = new VclComposeVAppParams();
var instantiationParams = new VclInstantiationParams()
composeVAppParams.name = newVAppName;
composeVAppParams.description = newVAppDescription;
composeVAppParams.deploy = false;
composeVAppParams.powerOn = false;
composeVAppParams.allEULAsAccepted = true;
composeVAppParams.instantiationParams = instantiationParams;
var vApp = vdc.composeVApp(composeVAppParams);
If I provide "ümläüt" as newVAppName name and run the workflow I end up with some garbled text as vApp name in vcloud director UI: "ümläüt"
So is there a way to, maybe, encode the non-ascii chars to make them turn up correctly in vCloud UI? Same question applies to any other identifiers like VM name etc.