I've been playing around with putting vCO into cluster mode to deploy a vCO instance with a DR instance in a secondary site.
From what I can see with the default configuration my options are running both vCO instances as active / active or running an active / passive configuration.
I've got a few different questions I'm hoping people have experience with cluster mode might be able to answer.
In active / passive mode is there a way to say which node you want to have be the active node? From testing it looked like it randomly elected a node to be the active node. Is there a better pattern to use to have a stand by instance of vCO?
In active / active mode is there any kind of health check type endpoint I can use to configure on my load balancer to know whether to pull a node out of rotation?
In active / active mode is there anything special which you need to know with relation to state or context or does it really not matter which instance of vCO you hit to execute / verify running workflows or actions?