Created the below workflow to create a new cluster. Validation is successful but fails when i run the workflow.
Error: A specified parameter was not correct.
var clusterConfigSpec = new VcClusterConfigSpecEx();
//Enable HA
clusterConfigSpec.dasConfig = new VcClusterDasConfigInfo();
clusterConfigSpec.dasConfig.enabled = enableHA;
clusterConfigSpec.dasConfig.admissionControlEnabled = disableAdmissionControl
//Enable DRS
clusterConfigSpec.drsConfig = new VcClusterDrsConfigInfo();
clusterConfigSpec.drsConfig.enabled = enableDRS;
//Create new Cluster
cluster = folderName.createClusterEx(clusterName, clusterConfigSpec);
The workflow will run only if i include the follow lines
clusterConfigSpec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy = new VcClusterFailoverLevelAdmissionControlPolicy();
clusterConfigSpec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy.failoverLevel = 1;
I'd wanted to disable the admission control on the cluster, but it would not run successfully unless i mention about the admission control policy.
Please help out