Hi everyone,
I'm currently in a difficult situation. We need to plan automation for a customer using Cisco UCS blades.
Now, in our test UCS system, I had to upgrade to the latest UCS Manager 2.2(1f), since Java changed their security policies again and the old UCS Manager application was signed with an expired certificate (until and including 2.2(1d)).
Now I had installed the vCO UCS plugin v1.0.2 I've found (only using Google) on the VMware download page, which seems to be well-engineered (probably by VMware) and delivers a rich variety of workflows, but then again that plugin is 3 years old. When I tried to add the UCS system to the plugin configuration, it would not throw an error, but it would not register it too; it simply sits there displaying the red triangle error icon in vCO Configurator, plus it would not display the instance within vCO.
Then I found another vCO Plugin, this time from Cisco itself, but with a significantly lower version 0.9.2 (BETA), plus the workflow library with examples is really poor, even though some Actions exist, it leaves me puzzled as to how e.g. create a VLAN and add it to a Service Profile.
So, if anyone knows, how to bring the 1.0.2 back to life, that would be most appreciated, or alternatively, if anyone has examples how to use 0.9.2 to create a VLAN and assign it to a Service Profile or Service Profile Template, let me know.