Hey all,
I got a strange problem with the latest Orchestrator Appliance:
Authentication set to SSO in the appliance, I can see the vCO server in the web client, can start the workflows, all good. But when I try to edit access rights of a worklof in the vCO client, I open the chooser, push enter in the filter field or enter a substring to find a group, but the chooser only says loading and is never showing any groups.
So I tested to set authentication to AD. I now can see my AD groups in the chooser window. But I can't see the vCO server in the web client anymore and also don't see any workflows there.
I checked in the vCO configuration website, my user is part of the vCO admin group. I also checked the registration of the vCO on the vCenter server. I can see the vCO extension beeing correctly registered in the MOB.
Also workflows run and are able to execute on the vCenter server. I just can't see them and can't launch them from the vSphere client.
So anybody got an idea why
a) I can't see groups in the add access rights chooser when authentication against SSO? It did work only once in the past
b) why I can't see the vCO server and the workflows in the web client even though my user is part of the vco admin group?