I have a custom workflow that is hanging. Here is what it's doing:
It first searches vCenter via vcenter plugin (VcPlugin.getAllVirtualMachines()) and stores the values in an array. It goes through the array to match my current VM name. If it finds a match, it increments the UID (01 ->02 etc) until there is no match. It does the exact same thing for the internal vCO locking system.
This workflow will SOMETIMES work and sometimes does not. When I cancel it I get the following error: Wrapped java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted (Workflow:Building Workflow / Generate UID (item5)#64).
I'm using vco 5.5.1 and vcenter plugin 5.5.1. I have the vcenter inventory services disabled via the com.011n...=false attribute in the vmo.properties file (it was doing this both before and after disabling this).p
any ideas?