Hello all,
I am performing some testing with vCO 5.5 before putting it into my company's environment.
Although I can run some workflows successfully (create, clone VMs and things like that), I am strugling trying to run a program in a guest.
As a newbie, I am still using vCO workflows out of the box (no modifications performed yet) so i don't know why the workflow called "run program in guest" fails...
I am using this config:
user: test
password: password1
vm: vm-xp (guest powered on and selected through vCO GUI)
interactive session: yes
program path: C:\windows\notepad.exe
arguments: N/A
working directory: C:\windows
environment: N/A
i have tried with different configurations, but always the same result and not useful errors logged...
Can anyone give me a hand?
Thanks in advance