Unable to reply to previous message (Unknown error when attempting to save) so I opened a new thread. Below are my answers to the previous questions asked.
Basic authentication type is used. Proper user:password is applied.
:80 is required by the syntax of the REST call:
All the below CURL statements run properly on LINUX.
PUT used to update existing resources
Enable pool member:
curl -k -u admin:<PW> -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT -d '{"session":"user-enabled"}' https://<Load Balancer IP>/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/<PoolName>/members/<pool member name>:<port>
Disable pool member:
curl -k -u admin:<PW> -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT -d '{"session":"user-disabled"}' https://<Load Balancer IP>/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/<PoolName>/members/<pool member name>:<port>
These fail on Orchestrator 5.5.1 to LTM 11.5.1 with error 401,"message":"An authorization header is missing.","errorStack":[]}
POST used to create a new resource
curl -k -u admin:<PW> -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"<newPoolName"}' https://<Load Balancer IP>/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool
This fails on Orchestrator with errorcode":400,"message":"Found invalid JSON body in the request.","errorStack":[].
Note: the JSON body for Invoking a REST Operation is: '{"name":"<newLBPoolName>"}'
GET commands run properly on Orchestrator.