Hi Team,
I'm trying to use SOAP 1.0.1 plugin within vCO. To help debug a few issues, I'm constructing the soap header programatically and trying to invoke the operation. When I generate the SOAP header, I find that the plugin omits a header value, eventhough I've supplied it as below.
Script code:
var request = operation.createSOAPRequest();
request.setInHeader("Security.UsernameToken.Username", "Username");
request.setInHeader("Security.UsernameToken.Password", "Password");
request.setInHeader("grid-name", "GRID01");
var response = operation.invoke(request);
<faultstring> Summary: An unsupported request was received.
Detail: The request received is:
<grid-name xmlns="urn:realops.com:amp:workflow" />
<Security xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd">
</Security>, Body Content: <Process__Response-Request xmlns="SA-VMware_Vcloud:Utilities" />
Shouldn't the string in bold header contain "GRID01" ?