after playing around a bit with the wavemaker projects and widgets I have a few questions.
First and foremost, it would be really interesting to know wether this is a one-off or if this is a preview of something even more complete a bit further down the line. I realize that vCAC is probably the major effort for self-service portals at this point, but for the smaller deployments something like this makes a lot of sense.
Secondly as to the project as it stands today I'm wondering how I can use this to actually publish a specific set of workflows - all the widgets seem to be "all in" as it were, and I can't find any to just run a specific workflow.
Finally, there are hints here and there but no actual docs on how to use per-session access controls with passthrough credentials. I suspect it can be achieved, using the vCenter SSO service, but without docs that's a lot of trial&error.
Anyhow, thanks for publishing what I suspect may be a project that took a 90-degree turn when WaveMaker was sold on. It's a hell of an improvement on the pure REST integration wavemaker previously required.