I have been successfully requesting VCAC VM's from VCO using the latest plugin that is not supported as it is in beta and am running into a new snag which I have not seen before:
I get this error when requesting this from VCO, but works when I request it directly from VCAC:
A server error was encountered. Error requesting machine. No reservation available that has all specified networks: 192.168.115
Here is the kicker... I am calling another catalog item with a different network profile and it works like a champ. That is odd.
Second problem:
I do not have this issue except on any new catalog I create. My existing catalog works. I also add the on behalf user to the entitlements so they can manage their machines which allows the request workflow to succeed.
Sending catalog item request on behalf of 'user@somecompany.com'...
[2014-06-17 15:33:17.146] [I] 403 Forbidden (Dynamic Script Module name : requestCatalogItemOnBehalfOf#13)