I am starting with vCO and JavaScript!
I start from the workflow that Cody Bunch created at this url and did some changes to add vShield Drivers to the tools update and to upgrade VMware Hardware(compatibility).
When i hit a VM with the Hardware at the latest version, the workflow crash. So i wanted to add a decision point before the Upgrade VM Hardware Workflow.
If the VM has the latest Hardware Version i want to skip the Upgrade VM Hardware version. I want to write a simple script that look like that :
if (VMHardware version is current){
return false;
return true;
I am looking in the API search in vCO to find the property for the Hardware Version and i cannot find it! Can someone help me with that? Where i can find this?
I know i can do it with Update Manager, but i want to use vCO to practice and integrate that kind of workflow in vCAC!
Thanks all for your help!