I am using the native vCO instance in vCAC and am having some weird issues with the Active Directory plugin.
- When I use virtually any workflow element related to the AD plugin I get a glitchy UI and cannot select anything, this happens mostly with the AD:Host selector.
- When I use the AD:OU selector I can only look at OUs that are in the root of the domain and cannot go into the OU structure.
- When I use the ActiveDirectory.search function I always get no matching results.
- I am getting lots of these errors for various object in the logs: [ADObjectFactory] Error creating object from ID: OU OU=Groups,DC=my,DC=domain
So far I have tried the following:
- Updated the AD host to use different users, all of which have domain admin rights.
- Tried changing the host to use the global catalog (3268) and the regular LDAP port (389)
- Restarted the server and vCO services multiple times.
- Deleted temporary files through the configurator.
Anyone have some ideas on what the problem could be? The AD server is Server 2012.