Just starting with vCO and am in need of some guidance/assistance. I've created a workflow that successfully creates and assigns a dvsportgroup. What I'd really like is for it to change the NIC to the portgroup, but i think i can make it work if it has to create it.
Then my next question, how would I make this workflow callable from vCAC? I've tried to Assign a state change to a blueprint, but get an error.
Key value must be a simple type, found: org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined (Dynamic Script Module name : updatePropertyFromBlueprint#2)
Here's my script.
var managedObject = vm;
// ------- ReconfigVM_Task -------
var spec = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec();
//spec.changeVersion = "2012-09-14T13:58:04.147363Z";
spec.deviceChange = System.getModule("com.vmware.onyx").array(VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpec, 1);
spec.deviceChange[0] = new VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
spec.deviceChange[0].operation = VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add;
spec.deviceChange[0].device = new VcVirtualVmxnet3();
spec.deviceChange[0].device.key = -100;
var backingInfo = new VcVirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo();
var connection = new VcDistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection();
connection.PortgroupKey = "dvportgroup-12638";
connection.SwitchUuid = "c8 48 39 50 9e ab 0b 07-f5 40 c3 4b b6 dd df 3f";
backingInfo.port = connection;
spec.deviceChange[0].device.backing = backingInfo;
spec.deviceChange[0].device.connectable = new VcVirtualDeviceConnectInfo();
spec.deviceChange[0].device.connectable.startConnected = true;
spec.deviceChange[0].device.connectable.allowGuestControl = true;
spec.deviceChange[0].device.connectable.connected = true;
spec.deviceChange[0].device.controllerKey = 100;
spec.deviceChange[0].device.addressType = "generated";
spec.deviceChange[0].device.wakeOnLanEnabled = true;
task = managedObject.reconfigVM_Task(spec); // VirtualMachine