Hi there
I need to see if it will be practical to use vCO and query some vmware cluster capacity details and then write the results to an external MS SQL DB.
I've added the db already but find very little resource about the query of the vc db for capacity data, mostly we use vCO for performing tasks/actions. This is a static job that i aim to use once a month.
Below is some of the data i'm trying to get, right now i get this data with the help of powercli script but figured if i can use vCO it will be easier to get this into a SQL DB. Some of the results involve some calculations within the script.
Please advise if i'm mad and trying to use the wrong tool fro the job or if this can be done.
ClusterName : PROD-S2-CLUSTER
TotalClusterHostCount : 2
TotalClusterVMCount : 55
TotalClusterVM/Host : 27.5
TotalClusterpCPUSocket : 8
TotalClusterpCPUCore : 64
TotalClustervCPUCount : 138
TotalClustervCPU/pCPUCore : 2.2
TotalClustervCPU/pCPUCore After 1 Failover : 4
TotalClustervCPU/pCPUCore After 2 Failvoer : Infinity
TotalClusterRAMGB : 1024
TotalClusterRAMUSAGEPercent : 30
TotalClusterRAMUsageGB : 306
TotalClusterRAMFreeGB : 718
TotalClusterRAMReservedGB(25%) : 256
RAM Available for NEW VMs in GB : 462
RAM Available for NEW VMs in GB After 1 failover : -50
RAM Available for NEW VMs in GB After 2 failover : -562
Allocated RAM per VM on an average : 8.2
NEW VM's that can be provisioned based on Average RAM per VM : 56