Hello I would like to add a property to a VM in vCAC with vCO so far I am using the code below with the inputs of a virtualMachine, propertyName, propertyValue
var model = "ManagementModelEntities.svc";
var entitySet = "VirtualMachineProperties";
var found = false;
var properties = new Properties();
properties.put("VirtualMachineID", virtualMachine.virtualMachineID);
var virtualMachineEntity = vCACEntityManager.readModelEntity(host.id, model, "VirtualMachineProperties", properties, null);
//Find property by property name
var virtualMachinePropertiesEntities = virtualMachineEntity.getLink(host, entitySet);
for each (var virtualMachinePropertiesEntity in virtualMachinePropertiesEntities) {
if (virtualMachinePropertiesEntity.getProperty("PropertyName") == propertyName) {
found = true;
var properties = new Properties();
properties.put("PropertyName", propertyName);
properties.put("PropertyValue", propertyValue);
properties.put("IsHidden", propertyIsHidden);
properties.put("IsRuntime", propertyIsRuntime);
properties.put("IsEncrypted", propertyIsEncrypted);
var links = new Properties();
if (found == true) {
if (doNotUpdate == false && propertyValue != "") {
var entityKey = virtualMachinePropertiesEntity.entityKey;
var entityKeyId = entityKey.get("Id");
System.log("Update entity id " + entityKeyId + " with property " + propertyName + " : " + propertyValue + " on virtualMachine entity " + blueprint.displayName);
else {
if (doNotUpdate == true) System.log("doNotUpdate set to true - not updating property " + propertyName);
if (propertyValue == "") System.log("not updating property " + propertyName + " with empty value");
else {
System.log("Create property " + propertyName + " : " + propertyValue + " on virtualMachine entity " + blueprint.displayName);
I keep on getting an exception error any help would be apprciated