I upgraded vCAC 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 and now the vCO appliance embedded with the vCAC Appliance seems to be broken. I am unable to connect to the default vCO from vCAC. In other words, when I login into vCAC Default Tenant /Advanced Services/Server Configuration and choose "Use the default Orchestrator Server", I get the error "Cannot connect to the Orchestrator server".
When I look at the log file , I see the below error message -
2014-02-28 20:58:16.268-0700 [http-bio-] ERROR {} [VSOFactoryClient] [0002]User 'root@localos' is not authorized!
javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: [0002]User 'root@localos' is not authorized!
When I go to vCAC Appliance Management Interface, I see the vco service is not registered.
Now the strange part is, I am able to start the vco-configurator service and go to configurator interface. I can also login to vco client and do normal stuff like running workflows, looking at vCenter, vCAC host inventory etc. I also see that the vco endpoint that I have setup within vCAC is working fine. So, everything works just fine except the above error.