I am new to vCO and Java Script and I was wondering if I could call an action in a scriptable task. Basically I am creating a workflow that is integrating with vCAC and I want to pull the properties from the Virtual Machine and change the varible names to invoke a soap request for another service. I see that in the plugin there is getPropertieFromVirutalMachine can I call that action in my scriptable task to do an update in my scritpable task to reset the varibles? Essintally I want to know if I could do something like this:
(I know that this doesnt work)
var properties = new Properties();
properties.put("VirtualMachineID", virtualMachine.virtualMachineID);
var vmProperties = {
applicationResolver = getPropertyFromVirtualMacine(host, virtualMachine, "property");
or do I have to do it another way by going through the vCAC entities