I need to upgrade my Orchestrator appliance from 5.1 to 5.5.1. This is setup with Postgre SQL db installed locally along with appliance. Could you please assist me with this upgrade. I outlines steps below, please let me know if there is the right way to do that :-
Upgrading Orchestrator Appliance 5.1.x and Earlier to 5.5.x
To upgrade Orchestrator Appliance with version 5.1 or earlier to 5.5.x, you must deploy the latest
Orchestrator Appliance and migrate your current Orchestrator configuration, plug-ins, and data to the
newly deployed Orchestrator Appliance manually.
You cannot perform an in-place upgrade of Orchestrator Appliance 5.1.x and earlier to 5.5.x by applying
updates over the external Web, on your local area network, or from a CD-ROM.
After you upgrade the Orchestrator Appliance, your plug-in settings are preserved. If you want to configure
the Orchestrator server to work with vCenter Single Sign-On, you must provide the vCenter Single Sign-On
credentials on the Plug-ins tab of the Orchestrator configuration interface.
The following use case illustrates how to upgrade your existing Orchestrator Appliance by exporting its
configuration and importing it to a newly deployed Orchestrator Appliance.
1 Verify that your Orchestrator Appliance is configured with an external database, certificates, licenses,
and so on.
2 Export the Orchestrator configuration.
3 Deploy the latest Orchestrator Appliance.
4 Import the configuration of your previous Orchestrator Appliance to the newly deployed
Orchestrator Appliance.
5 Log in to the Orchestrator configuration interface of the newly deployed Orchestrator Appliance as
Installing and Configuring VMware vCenter Orchestrator
34 VMware, Inc.6 Update the database of the new Orchestrator Appliance.
7 Replace the IP address of the new Orchestrator Appliance with the IP address of your previous
Orchestrator Appliance manually.
8 Restart the vCenter Orchestrator Configuration service.
9 Log in the Orchestrator client and verify that your workflows are available in the newly deployed
Orchestrator Appliance
Please help me with followings :-
Upgrade says db should be external, how can i export postgre sql db to an external sql 2008 db instance.
how should export certificates, license key mention in step 1. Will that be done under export Orchestrator configuration.
Any other things I need to take care while upgrading the appliance.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks, V